Pipeline Services - FourQuest Energy

Every application comes with unique requirements, and we know that the needs of our clients’ are best met by offering innovative engineered solutions. FourQuest has been involved in numerous Pipeline Cleaning Programs at different stages of a pipeline life cycle. At any phase of the pipeline life cycle, FourQuest can provide value-driven services ranging from consulting to full-scale execution.

Constructioni) Removing Construction Debris from the line
ii) Acceptance testing (Water filling, dewatering, hydrostatic testing, etc)
iii) Commissioning
Operationi) Pipe wall cleaning
ii) Condensate Removal
iii) Product Separation (batching)
iv) Applying inhibitors
Inspectioni) To check for physical damage (geometry)
ii) To detect corrosion, laminations or cracking
iii) Leak Detection
iv) Sampling
Maintenance and Repairi) Corrosion Inhibition
ii) Pre-inspection Cleaning
iii) Isolation
iv) Recommissioning
Renovation and Rehabilitationi) Gel Pigging
ii) Applying coatings
iii) Chemical Cleaning
iv) Scale removal
v) Cleaning for product conversion
Decommissioningi) Product removal
ii) Pipe wall cleaning
iii) Inspecting/testing
iv) Inerting

FourQuest firmly believes that every pipeline operation offers the opportunity for actionable insight into the condition of the pipeline. Every utility pig run can be analyzed to provide key information related to the surface condition of the line – roughness, debris buildup, ovality, bends, buckles, and dents. Providing clients with actionable insights will ensure a well-maintained asset and minimize risk before deploying inline inspection runs. Choosing the correct pig is important; however, understanding the pig condition and behavior leads to insight.

Product Characterization, Pigging, and Pigging Frequency

FourQuest has extensive experience removing various debris types from pipelines; the types and amount of debris vary depending on the service of the pipeline. For example, pipelines are typically limited to construction debris, corrosion, and water during construction. If a pipeline is in service, depending on the commodity, the following […]

Chemical Batch Pigging Applications

If conventional pigging methods require additional cleaning or passivation requirements, a chemical treatment may be considered in the form of batch pigging. Access to our own line of chemistry gives us a unique advantage to create customized blends specifically tailored to the scope. By utilizing a chemical batch pigging approach, […]

Surface Engineering / Hydromilling

Pipelines sometimes require specialized cleaning to engineer an improved operating surface free of manufacturing surface defects, tenacious manufacturing debris, and precursors to corrosion. Surface-engineered pipe cleaning begins with a thorough understanding of the metallurgy of the pipe, the manufacturing process, and unintended deposition and defects. FourQuest Energy, a global leader […]

Inline Tools and Cleaning

Pipelines require routine cleaning to maintain a good operating surface free of debris and pre-cursors to corrosion. Engineered cleaning of a pipeline begins with a thorough understanding of the products delivered through the pipe system and the resultant deposition that occurs with time and temperature. FourQuest Energy, a global leader […]

Hydrostatic Testing

The main purpose of hydrostatic testing is to identify any leaks by checking the integrity of the pipeline and welded joints. This will be done by pressurizing the system with a hydrotest medium such as water, glycol, or methanol to a specified strength pressure and leak pressures following client and […]

Dew Point Control and Pipeline Drying

Pipelines require strict dew point control to ensure control of the corrosion environment on the pipe surface and product quality control. Pipeline drying is a critical phase of pipeline commissioning in new construction and when the system has been opened to the atmosphere for maintenance. The integrity program of pipe […]

Pipeline Decommissioning/Abandonment

FourQuest Energy employs global experience and a technical engineering approach to execute even the largest, most technically challenging pipeline decommissioning projects. We can optimize the project from engineering design to execution. FourQuest recognizes that each project presents unique sets of challenges. We employ the use of key engineering principles, chemistry […]

Vapour Phase Corrosion Inhibitor Applications

Corrosion inhibitors are chemicals used to reduce the rate of corrosion and are applied in many different ways. Execution entails utilizing air or nitrogen to atomize the chemical, as well as utilizing the temperature differential between the injected vapor fluid and the pipe walls to condense and form a protective […]