Inline Tools and Cleaning - FourQuest Energy

Pipelines require routine cleaning to maintain a good operating surface free of debris and pre-cursors to corrosion.

Engineered cleaning of a pipeline begins with a thorough understanding of the products delivered through the pipe system and the resultant deposition that occurs with time and temperature.

FourQuest Energy, a global leader in technical services to pipelines works closely with operators to understand their cleaning requirements and engineer fit-for-purpose solutions for all types of piping systems. Our extensive experience in oil and gas guides our solutions and execution plans so operators are assured of proven techniques and predictable outcomes.

FourQuest works closely with world-leading manufacturers of inline tools to design cleaning solutions specific to the characteristics of the pipeline. Our engineered approach isn’t just a design exercise; we monitor cleaning performance in the field and can make adjustments on-site to continually optimize and improve results based on real-time information. FourQuest makes the effort to analyze the behavior of inline cleaning tools as they traverse the pipeline to understand the deposition in the pipeline and where it is located. We compliment this actionable insight with our analytical capabilities and knowledge to responsibly report when chemical treatment makes sense.

Understanding and analyzing our client’s goals and restrictions is the starting point of all engineering. We are curious by nature and ask a lot of questions so we can deliver, with confidence, the results of the campaign safely and responsibly – we are a best practices company

FourQuest is sensitive to costs and approaches the client’s needs with sound economic reason. Sometimes the use of selective chemistry in pipeline cleaning may be cost-prohibitive. In such cases, FourQuest is often relied upon to design pipeline cleaning programs using commodity products and solvents readily available to the pipeline operator in their normal course of delivery. We firmly believe that with thorough knowledge and the correct engineering controls in place, every job can be designed and completed safely; on time and on budget.

While FourQuest has the most advanced fleet of pipeline pumping equipment in North America, our most valuable asset is our people. We are well-trained, competent, honest, and hard-working people who make good decisions regarding safety, the environment, and the public.