Pipeline Decommissioning/Abandonment - FourQuest Energy

FourQuest Energy employs global experience and a technical engineering approach to execute even the largest, most technically challenging pipeline decommissioning projects.

We can optimize the project from engineering design to execution. FourQuest recognizes that each project presents unique sets of challenges. We employ the use of key engineering principles, chemistry and operations support to drive positive change in all aspects of our organization and ultimately for our clients.

Typical pipeline decommissioning projects include:

  • Chemical and water tank farm management
  • Tailored chemical planning and development
  • On-site chemical blending and injection
  • Testing for residuals to ensure regulatory specifications are met
  • Hauling and disposal of effluent

Chemical Design and Testing

FQE will work with and advise around the client’s requirements to achieve target  <X ppm total hydrocarbon residual in their pipelines. Because of FQE’s knowledge in pipeline cleaning, previous infield experience, and desire to continually engage innovative solutions, our technical team is often contracted to focus on the challenges and improvements to previous treatments.

Utilising samples of pipeline contaminants FQE conducts in-house testing to develop a project-specific chemical plan. Our team utilizes a thorough, scientific approach to design and develop the optimum treatment.

During the execution of our projects, on-site specialists sample and complete all testing to ensure the pipeline system is clean and that project schedules are met.

Pre-Planning and Logistics

Detailed plot and project execution plans are created to determine when and where all equipment would be staged. During execution, all equipment is set up efficiently with no changes resulting in an expected project start. Additionally, contingency plans are made with waste hauling and disposal facilities so that the removal of effluent is taken off-site in a timely and predictable manner.

Project Management and Safety

The project management team focuses on continual communication with the client and subcontractors during the project.

Chemical Innovation

Our industrial chemists work collaboratively with clients to test chemistry specifically for their specific pipeline conditions. By working together, we are able to find a chemical that provides exceptional cleaning capabilities, while taking into account other important factors such as being non-volatile, biodegradable, operator friendly, and odorless.


As part of our engineering package, we will conduct a review of the proposed plan to optimize project costs, and determine:

  • Job duration
  • Chemistry
  • Cleanliness criteria
  • Equipment setup requirements

During detailed engineering, we will assess ways that we can achieve the following during the execution phase:

  • Enhanced level of cleanliness
  • Expedite schedules
  • Optimize allocation of resources

Clear communication, detailed planning, and industry-leading expertise results in the successful chemical cleaning of pipelines on schedule with no safety incidents.